University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
Institute of Computational Biology

USERINFO -- retrieve details about a user


Parameter Description Default
"name" WikiName or login username. May be a group. current user
format Format string; see below for supported formatting tokens. $username, $wikiusername, $emails
Format tokens that can be used in format:
Token Description
$emails Comma separated list of email addresses known to the user mapper (this would normally be TopicUserMappingContrib). If expanding for a group, then this will be the email addresses of all members.
$username Login username. If expanding for a group, this should expand as unknown
$wikiname, $wikiusername The user's WikiName and Main.WikiName, respectively
$groups Comma separated list of group membership. Currently only expands for users
$isadmin Has admin privileges (expands to true or false)
$isgroup Is a group (expands to true or false)
The standard format tokens are also supported.


  • %USERINFO{"name" format="..."}% expands to guest, Main.WikiGuest, (lists $username, $wikiusername, $emails)
With formatted output, using tokens:
%USERINFO{ format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
Expands to: guest is really WikiGuest Retrieve information about another user. You can use either a wikiname or a username to identify the user. You can only see information about another user if you are an admin, or the {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} configuration option is not enabled. (User details are hidden on this site) :
%USERINFO{ "WikiGuest" format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
Expands to: guest is really WikiGuest

14 Mar 2025 - 23:24 Foswiki v2.0.2