University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
Institute of Computational Biology


Cite bibliography in one topic and get a references list automatically created.


The Bibliography Plugin manages citations inside a Foswiki topic, and can generate an References List at the end of the topic. This should be every usefull for writing conference papers, journal articles, ellaborated news, etc.

Syntax Rules

First of all, you must have a topic with a list of bibliography entries. Each entry must consist of a table rows with two columns: the first one contains a key, that will identify that entry (and must be unique, without relying on whitespace or capitalisation variations). The second column contains the bibliography reference for that entry.

The bibliography list should look like this (from a BibTex example found with Google):

Key Description
big Jass, Hugh. A big paper. The journal of big papers, 7991, volume MCMXCVII. note
small Freely, I.P. A small paper. The journal of small papers, 1997. (to appear).

Then, in the topic where you want to reference and get a references list, you can use:

  • %CITE{theKey}% to reference the entry with key theKey.
  • %CITEINLINE{theKey}% to reference samething that is not in the references. Useful to cite URL's, for example. theKey will be used both as key and text dislayed in references listing.
    Warning: be sure to not use keys present in bibliography with %CITEINLINE{}%: this can have unpredicted results.
  • %BIBLIOGRAPHY{...}% to get a list of references. %BIBLIOGRAPHY{...}% accepts the following arguments:
    Argument Description Default valueSorted descending
    Usage example:
    order in which order the references should appear. Accepted values are citation (references appear in citation order) and alpha (references appear in alphabetical order). DEFAULTSORTING setting (see below).
    header the header for the references list (like "References", "Refer�ncias" (in portuguese), and so on. DEFAULTHEADER setting (see below).
    referencesTopic indicates the topic bibliography must be taken from. Can be a comma-separated list of topics. DEFAULTBIBLIOGRAPHYTOPIC setting (see below).
    %BIBLIOGRAPHY{header="---++ Refer�ncias" referencesTopic="MinhaBibliografia" order="citation"}%
    The above usage tells BibliographyPlugin to use "Refer�ncias" (in portuguese) as the title of the references list, to take bibliography from a topic names MinhaBibliografia and to list the references in citation order.


You type ... ... and you get (if installed):
You start writing, and then cite a
small paper %CITE{small}%. Further,
you reference a big paper %CITE{big}%.
You can even reference the small
paper again %CITE{Smal l}%. You might
accidentally reference a non-existent 
%CITE{non-existent}% reference.

With %CITEINLINE% you can reference things
that are not in your bibliography

You start writing, and then cite a small paper %CITE{small}%. Further, you reference a big paper %CITE{big}%. You can even reference the small paper again %CITE{Smal l}%. You might accidentally reference a non-existent %CITE{non-existent}% reference.

With %CITEINLINE% you can reference things that are not in your bibliography %CITEINLINE{}%.


Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences values. To change the setting you need to overwrite them in DefaultPreferences. Changing them here will have no effect! This allows you to upgrade the plugin without having worry about loosing your settings.

  • Default topic to get references from:

  • Default sorting for references:

  • Default header for the references list:

Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author(s): Foswiki:Main.PaulHarvey, Foswiki:Main.AndrewJones
Previous Author(s): Foswiki:Main.AntonioTerceiro
Copyright: © 2010, Paul Harvey, © 2009 - 2010, Andrew Jones, © 2004, Antonio Terceiro
License: GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Release: 2.2.2
Plugin Version: 11925 (2011-06-15)
Change History:  
15 Jun 2011 2.2.2: Foswikitask:Item10882 - Fix for Foswiki installations using UTF-8, international charsets
- ignore HTML tags in cite keys -- Foswiki:Main.PaulHarvey
05 Dec 2010 2.2.1: Foswikitask:Item10113 - Fix incorrect use of Foswiki 1.1 API
23 Jun 2010 2.2: Foswikitask:Item9182 - Be more tolerant of whitespace/capitilisation variations -- Foswiki:Main.PaulHarvey
22 Jun 2010 2.1: Foswikitask:Item9178 - Fix mod_perl/fastcgi problems; improve handling of cite keys using ',",& etc. punctuation chars -- Foswiki:Main.PaulHarvey
18 Jun 2010 2.0: Foswikitask:Item8394 - Made citation [refs] hyperlinks -- Foswiki:Main.PaulHarvey
2.0: Foswikitask:Item8459 - Convert plugin from commonTagsHandler to registerTagHandler and general code cleanup; Added Foswiki 1.1 compatibility; Minor performance improvements; Added inline alerts to aid user when citing missing references or using missing reference topics -- Foswiki:Main.PaulHarvey
29 Jan 2010 1.1: Foswikitask:Item8440 - Expand Macros in References -- Foswiki:Main.AndrewJones
17 Mar 2009 1.0: Foswikitask:Item1251 - Initial release for Foswiki -- Foswiki:Main.AndrewJones
28 Aug 2005: Adhering to official handlers in TWiki:Codev/DakarRelease. Added %CITEINLINE{...}%.
23 Aug 2004: Added multiple references sources support
17 Jun 2004: Initial version
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: DefaultPreferences, SitePreferences, Plugins

14 Mar 2025 - 14:16 Foswiki v2.0.2