The group has locally set up the required infrastructure to perform research in the field of genomics and bioinformatics.
A high-performance compute cluster comprising nine dedicated nodes with up to 1024 GB of RAM has been set up. Network attached storage is centralized on a BeeGFS server with net storage capacity of currently 512 TB, and data are backed up on separate storage systems with a capacity of currently 750 TB. In addition, the group accesses the computing resources at
BOKU-ZID and the
Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC).
The laboratory is equipped with state of the art equipment that is required to generate sequencing libraries compatible with next-generation sequencers. Instrumentation includes a covaris device (controlled shearing of nucleic acids), a bioanalyser (nucleic acids quality control), a qubit (nucleic acids quantitation) and a dark reader (sequencing library sizing). Complementing equipment is available in the department.