100. |
Holzweber T, Dorn K, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Methylation analysis based on a plant-specific deep learning model. GCB, Bielefeld, Germany (Oct 2024) |
99. |
Sandell FL, Nguyen-Hoang A, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Machine Learning for the prediction of genotype-phenotype association in plants. GCB, Bielefeld, Germany (Oct 2024) |
98. |
Schönmann L, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Exploiting k-mers for genotype-phenotype association in spinach. GCB, Bielefeld, Germany (Oct 2024) |
97. |
Adhikari K, Grossfurthner LP, Sandell FL, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Genomic insights into climatic adaptation of peach (Prunus persica). CPSC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark (Aug 2024) |
96. |
Yardeni G, Holzweber T, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Towards characterization of the genetic self-incompatibility system in Beta vulgaris. XX International Botanical Congress, Madrid, Spain (July 2024) |
95. |
Sandell FL, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Genomic analysis of wild and cultivated beets. IIRB, Brussels, Belgium (Feb 2024) |
94. |
Wascher FL, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Back to the roots: Phylogeny of wild and cultivated beets. 31st Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology and 22nd European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB), Lyon, France (Jul 2023) |
93. |
Holzweber T, Dohm JC, Gruber KR, Himmelbauer H. Long-read assemblies of sugar beet and sea beet. 2nd Beet Resources Conference, online, Vienna, Austria (Oct 2022) |
92. |
Schönmann L, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Haplotype divergence of flowering time regulator genes in sugar beet and wild beets. 2nd Beet Resources Conference, online, Vienna, Austria (Oct 2022) |
91. |
Wascher FL, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. What we can learn from Beta re-sequencing data. 2nd Beet Resources Conference, online, Vienna, Austria (Oct 2022) |
90. |
Wascher FL, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Genetic diversity in Amaranthaceae crops. 21st European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), Sitges, Spain (Sep 2022) |
89. |
Wascher FL, Stralis-Pavese N, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. K-mer based phylogeny of wild and cultivated beets. BOKU Symposium "200 years Gregor Mendel", Vienna, Austria (Mar 2022) |
88. |
Blazek L, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Evolutionary dynamics of the repeat landscape in sugar beet and its wild relatives. BOKU Symposium "200 years Gregor Mendel", Vienna, Austria (Mar 2022) |
87. |
Wascher FL, Stralis-Pavese N, Schulz B, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. K-mer based phylogeny of wild and cultivated beets. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), online, Halle (Saale), Germany (Sep 2021) |
86. |
Blazek L, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Comparison of wild and cultivated beets regarding repeats and transposon insertion polymorphisms. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), online, Halle (Saale), Germany (Sep 2021) |
85. |
Felkel S, Stralis-Pavese N, Schulz B, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Analysis of sugar beet and wild beet genomes to study relationships, origins, population dynamics and selection. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), online, Halle (Saale), Germany (Sep 2021) |
84. |
Blazek L, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Evolutionary dynamics of the repeat landscape in sugar beet and its wild relatives. International Symposium of the Society for Plant Breeding (GPZ), Tulln, Austria (Feb 2020) |
83. |
Himmelbauer H , Bodrug A, Wascher FL, Stralis-Pavese N, Bürstmayr H, Dohm JC. Quinoa sequencing and detection of haplotype blocks for genome scaffolding. International Symposium of the Society for Plant Breeding (GPZ), Tulln, Austria (Feb 2020) |
82. |
Schiavinato M, Bodrug A, Marcet-Houben M, Gabaldón T, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Analysis of subgenome structure and evolution in allopolyploid plants. International Symposium of the Society for Plant Breeding (GPZ), Tulln, Austria (Feb 2020) |
81. |
Wascher FL, Felkel S, Stralis-Pavese N, Schulz B, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Population analysis of sugar beet and wild beets. International Symposium of the Society for Plant Breeding (GPZ), Tulln, Austria (Feb 2020) |
80. |
Dohm JC. Molecular differences between human beings and non-human beings. Summerschool Bioethics in Context VI, Trogir, Croatia (July 2019) |
79. |
Schiavinato M, Dohm JC, Gabaldón T, Himmelbauer H. A phylogenomic strategy for subgenome separation. XIVth Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI), Granada, Spain (Nov 2018) |
78. |
Peters P, Stralis-Pavese N, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Benchmarking the Impact of Long-Read Correction Methods. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), Vienna, Austria (Sep 2018) |
77. |
McCann J, Wascher F, Stralis-Pavese N, Schulz B, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Population structure and allele frequency clines in wild and cultivated beets (Beta vulgaris). German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), Vienna, Austria (Sep 2018) |
76. |
Schiavinato M, Strasser R, Mach L, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Genome and transcriptome characterization of glycoengineered Nicotiana benthamiana. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), Vienna, Austria (Sep 2018) |
75. |
Bodrug A, Stralis-Pavese N, Bürstmayr H, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Detection of haplotype blocks for genome scaffolding in plants. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), Vienna, Austria (Sep 2018) |
74. |
Zwickl NF, Stralis-Pavese N, Schäffer C, Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC. Comparative genomics of the pathogenic bacterium Tannerella forsythia. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB), Vienna, Austria (Sep 2018) |
73. |
Schiavinato M, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Gene prediction and gene set analysis of Nicotiana benthamiana. Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Research Symposium (APRS), Graz, Austria (Sep 2017) |
72. |
Dohm JC, Bodrug A, Rodriguez del Rio A, Stralis-Pavese N, Minoche AE, Reinhardt R, McGrath JM, Schulz B, Himmelbauer H. Genomic diversity of wild and cultivated Beta species. ISCB NGS2017, Barcelona, Spain (Apr 2017) |
71. |
Bodrug A, Minoche AE, Bürstmayr H, Gomez-Pando L, Schmidt T, Reinhardt R, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Assembly of tetraploid quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and separation into ancestral sub-genomes. Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics, Alignments and Phylogeny (ALPHY), Lyon, France (Feb 2017) |
70. |
Himmelbauer H, Bodrug A, McGrath JM, Schulz B, Dohm JC. Analyzing the genomes of wild and cultivated beets. 17th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), The Hague, Netherlands (Sep 2016) |
69. |
Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H, Schmidt T, Holtgräwe D, Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Stracke R, Zakrzewski F, Parol-Kryger R, Stadermann KB, Schneider J, Rosleff Soerensen T, Kraft T, Schulz B. Sugar Beet BeetMap-3, and Steps to Improve the Genome Assembly and Genome Sequence Annotation. Plant and Animal Genomes XXIV Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2016) |
68. |
Dohm JC, Peters P, Minoche AE, Postel U, Kraft T, Schulz B, Schmidt T, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Genomics and transcriptomics of the genus Beta using short and long sequencing reads. Plant Genome Evolution Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Sep 2015) |
67. |
Parol-Kryger R, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Viehöver P, Dohm JC, Schulz B, Kraft T, Himmelbauer H, Weisshaar B. AnnoBeet: low coverage re-sequencing in sugar beet for anchoring assembly sequences to genomic positions. 15th PLANT2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2015) |
66. |
Vlasova A, Rendón-Anaya M, Capella Gutierrez SJ, Hernandez Oñate M, Minoche AE, Erb I, Câmara Ferreira F, Prieto Barja P, Corvelo A, Sanseverino W, Westergaard G, Dohm JC, Pappas G, Saburido Álvarez S, Kedra D, Gonzalez I, Cozzuto L, Aguilar Moron MA, Andreu N, Aguilar OM, Garcia-Mas J, Zehnsdorf M, Vázquez MP, Delgado-Salinas A, Delaye L, Lowy E, Mentaberry A, Vianello-Brondani RP, García JL, Alioto T, Sanchez F, Himmelbauer H, Santalla M, Notredame C, Gabaldon T, Guigo R, Herrera-Estrella A. Genome of Mesoamerican Common Bean - An Additional Resource for the Legume Genomics. Plant and Animal Genomes XXIII Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2015) |
65. |
Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Montfort M, Hackl T, Himmelbauer H. Validation of gene models using PacBio SMRT sequences. ISCB NGS2014, Barcelona, Spain (June 2014) |
64. |
Gohr A, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Himmelbauer H. Towards assembling heterozygous plant genomes. ISCB NGS2014, Barcelona, Spain (June 2014) |
63. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Capella Gutierrez SJ, Zakrzewski F, Tafer H, Rupp O, Rosleff Sörensen T, Stracke R, Reinhardt R, Goesmann A, Kraft T, Schulz B, Stadler PF, Schmidt T, Gabaldon T, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. A genome sequence of sugar beet resolves eudicot phylogeny and sheds light onto beet domestication. 14th annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting, Marco Island, FL, USA (Feb 2014) |
62. |
Weisshaar B, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Capella Gutierrez SJ, Zakrzewski F, Tafer H, Rupp O, Rosleff Soerensen T, Stracke R, Reinhardt R, Goesmann A, Schulz B, Kraft T, Stadler PF, Schmidt T, Gabaldon T, Himmelbauer H. An Update on the Sugar Beet Genome and Its Annotation. Conference of the Genome Research Working Group (GPZ Conference), Germany (Feb 2014) |
61. |
Weisshaar B, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Capella Gutierrez SJ, Zakrzewski F, Tafer H, Rupp O, Rosleff Soerensen T, Stracke R, Reinhardt R, Goesmann A, Schulz B, Kraft T, Stadler PF, Schmidt T, Gabaldon T, Himmelbauer H. An Update on the Sugar Beet Genome and Its Annotation. Plant and Animal Genomes XXII Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2014) |
60. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Zakrzewski F, Rosleff Sörensen T, Schulz B, Kraft T, Schmidt T, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Genome reconstruction and characterisation using high-throughput sequencing technologies. Computational Biology @ Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany (Sep 2013) |
59. |
Harnisch C, Cuzic-Feltens S, Dohm J, Himmelbauer H, Wahle E. 3'-Oligoadenylation promotes exosomal degradation of mRNA in Drosophila Schneider cells. Eukaryotic RNA Turnover: From Structural Insights to Diseases (EMBO Conference), Strasbourg, France (Apr 2013) |
58. |
Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Jäger S, Schulz B, Kraft T, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Sequencing of Beta accessions in the framework of AnnoBeet. 13th PLANT2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2013) |
57. |
Zakrzewski F, Wollrab C, Schubert V, Rosleff Sörensen T, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H, Weisshaar B, Schmidt T. Repetitive DNA of sugar beet. 13th PLANT2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2013) |
56. |
Holtgräwe D, Parol-Kryger R, Schneider J, Rosleff Sörensen T, Viehöver P, Andreu N, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Goesmann A, Schulz B, Kraft T, Schmidt T, Himmelbauer H, Weisshaar B. Genotyping and annotation approaches for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 13th PLANT2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2013) |
55. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Capella Gutierrez S, Zakrzewski F, Tafer H, Rupp O, Rosleff Sörensen T, Reinhardt R, Goesmann A, Stadler PF, Schmidt T, Gabaldon T, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B. Determination and functional annotation of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) genome sequence. 14th annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting, Marco Island, FL, USA (Feb 2013) |
54. |
Dally N, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Himmelbauer H, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B, Müller AE, Jung C. New bolting genes from sugar beet (B. vulgaris) which control early bolting independent of BvBTC1. Plant and Animal Genomes XXI Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2013) |
53. |
Dally N, Büttner B, Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H, Müller A, Jung C. Fine-mapping of the B2 gene controlling annual bolting in beets (Beta vulgaris). Tagung der Gesellschaft fuer Pflanzenzuechtung Halle/Saale, Germany (Sep 2012) |
52. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Genome assembly and mRNAseq-based gene prediction in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Meeting on Advances and Challenges of RNA-Seq Analysis, Halle/Saale, Germany (June 2012) |
51. |
Jäger SC, Hemmrich G, Schilhabel M, Franke A, Capistrano GGG, Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H, Jung C. Re-sequencing and hybrid assembly strategy of two nematode resistant Beta vulgaris translocation lines. Meeting on Advances and Challenges of RNA-Seq Analysis, Halle/Saale, Germany (June 2012) |
50. |
Harnisch C, Berndt H, Rammelt C, Stöhr N, Zirkel A, Dohm J, Himmelbauer H, Hüttelmaier S, Wahle E. Maturation of H/ACA box snoRNAs: PAPD5-dependent adenylation and PARN-dependent trimming. RNA 2012, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (May/June 2012) |
49. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Drafting a large genome at high quality: Multi-platform sequence assembly and integration with genetic and physical maps of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 16th RECOMB, Barcelona, Spain (April 2012) |
48. |
Minoche, AE, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Errors and biases in Illumina second generation sequencing data. 16th RECOMB, Barcelona, Spain (April 2012) |
47. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Martínez Arias R, Kraft T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. BEETSEQ: The reference genome sequence for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 12th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2012) |
46. |
Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Himmelbauer H, Schulz B, Martinez R, Kraft T, Pin PA, Schmidt T, Zakrzewski F, Weisshaar B. AnnoBeet: Enhancing the sugar beet genome sequence for research and biotechnological applications. 12th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2012) |
45. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B. Sequencing the genome of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 13th annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting, Marco Island, FL, USA (Feb 2012) |
44. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Drafting a large genome at high quality: Multi-platform sequence assembly and integration with genetic and physical maps of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). XIth Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI2012), Barcelona, Spain (Jan 2012) |
43. |
Minoche, AE, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Errors and biases in Illumina second generation sequencing data. XIth Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI2012), Barcelona, Spain (Jan 2012) |
42. |
Jäger S, Hemmrich G, Franke A, Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Himmelbauer H, Capistrano GGG, Jung C. Re-sequencing and hybrid assembly strategy of two nematode resistant Beta vulgaris translocation lines. Plant and Animal Genomes XX Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2012) |
41. |
Zakrzewski F, Weisshaar B, Fuchs J, Bannack E, Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H, Schmidt T. Epigenetic profiling of heterochromatic satellite DNA in sugar beet. Plant and Animal Genomes XX Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2012) |
40. |
Dohm JC, Minoche AE, Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Sörensen T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Assembly and annotation of the genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Genome Informatics Conference, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (Nov 2011) |
39. |
Dohm JC, Minoche A, Wolf M, Kraft T, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Assembly and annotation of the genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 11th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2011) |
38. |
Holtgräwe D, Stracke R, Rosleff Sörensen T, Viehöver P, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Himmelbauer H, Schulz B, Borchardt D, Wolf M, Kraft T, Weisshaar B. Contribution to and usage of the upcoming sugar beet genome sequence. 11th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2011) |
37. |
Dohm JC, Minoche A, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. The genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 12th annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting, Marco Island, FL, USA (Feb 2011) |
36. |
Weisshaar B, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Schulz B, Kraft T, Wolf M, Holtgräwe D, Himmelbauer H. The draft genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Plant and Animal Genomes XIX Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2011) |
35. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. The genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 10th Gatersleben Research Conference, Gatersleben, Germany (Nov 2010) |
34. |
Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Applications of second generation sequencing in de novo sequencing and annotation of the sugar beet genome. 10th Gatersleben Research Conference, Gatersleben, Germany (Nov 2010) |
33. |
Harnisch C, Cuzic-Feltens S, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H, Wahle E. Intermediates of hsp70 mRNA decay in Drosophila cells contain non-encoded adenylate residues. 6th Meeting of the GBM study section 'RNA-Biochemistry', Workshop Deep Sequencing and Bioinformatics of RNA, Pforzheim-Hohenwart, Germany (Sep 2010) |
32. |
Vivancos AP, Güell M, Dohm JC, Serrano L, Himmelbauer H. Strand specific deep sequencing of the transcriptome. Systems Biology and New Sequencing Technologies (SBNST), Barcelona, Spain (Jun 2010) |
31. |
Dohm JC, Minoche A, Castillo E, Lange C, Zehnsdorf M, Viehoever P, Holtgraewe D, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Sequence data resources for the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) genome project. 2nd Workshop of StatSeq COST Action, Ghent, Belgium (May 2010) |
30. |
Heitkam T, Dohm J, Minoche A, Himmelbauer H, Weisshaar B, Schmidt T. Diversity of BNR‐subclade LINEs and conservation of distinct domains in their ORF1 sequence. 2nd American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Conference on Mobile DNA, Montreal, Canada (Apr 2010) |
29. |
Dohm JC, Minoche A, Castillo E, Lange C, Zehnsdorf M, Viehoever P, Holtgräwe D, Reinhardt R, Lehrach H, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Sequence data resources for the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) genome project. 10th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2010) |
28. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Lange C, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. BeetSeq - A reference genome sequence for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). De novo assembly based on next-generation sequencing data. 10th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2010) |
27. |
Holtgräwe D, Stracke R, Rosleff Sörensen T, Nematollahi T, Lange C, Minoche A, Dohm J, Schulz B, Borchardt D, Wolf M, Kraft T, Himmelbauer H, Weisshaar B. GABI-BeetSeq: Generation and integration of genome wide data for the sugar beet crop. 10th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2010) |
26. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Lange C, Vivancos AP, Castillo E, Zehnsdorf M, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. A genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) based on co-assembling Illumina, 454 pyrosequencing, and Sanger sequencing data. 11th annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting, Marco Island, FL, USA (Feb 2010) |
25. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Minoche A, Lange C, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgraewe D, Weisshaar B. Plant genome de novo assembly based on next-generation sequencing data. Advances in Genomics 2010, Ghent, Belgium (Jan 2010) |
24. |
Dohm JC, Lange C, Schulz B, Borchardt D, Wolf M, Holtgraewe D, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Global physical map of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and synteny with poplar, grape, and arabidopsis. 8th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct 2009) |
23. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Lange C, Vivancos AP, Castillo E, Zehnsdorf M, Minoche A, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. Towards the genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). 8th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (Oct 2009) |
22. |
Dohm JC, Minoche A, Castillo E, Lange C, Zehnsdorf M, Viehoever P, Holtgraewe D, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Sequence data resources for the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) genome project. 1st Workshop of EU COST Action TD0801: Statistical challenges on the 1000€ genome sequences in plants, Barcelona, Spain (Oct 2009) |
21. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Lange C, Vivancos AP, Castillo E, Zehnsdorf M, Minoche A, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. Determining the genome sequence of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) using next-generation sequencing technology. 1st Workshop of EU COST Action TD0801: Statistical challenges on the 1000 Euro genome sequences in plants, Barcelona, Spain (Oct 2009) |
20. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Lange C, Vivancos AP, Castillo E, Zehnsdorf M, Minoche A, Kraft T, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. Plant genomics in the era of high-throughput sequencing: The case of the sugar beet. NGS2009 Conference on Next Generation Sequencing: Challenges and Opportunities, Barcelona, Spain (Oct 2009) |
19. |
Minoche A, Dohm JC, Lange C, Castillo E, Zehnsdorf M, Datta D, Vivancos A, Wolf M, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. Applications of 454 technology in de novo sequencing of a plant genome. 3rd EMEA Genome Sequencer FLX User Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (Jun 2009) |
18. |
Himmelbauer H, Vivancos A, Castillo E, Ingham M, Kofler R, Zehnsdorf M, Menoyo A, Dohm JC, Datta D, Minoche A, Güell A, Serrano L, Bayés M, Estivill X. Exploring genomes by deep sequencing at the Centre for Genomic Regulation. Illumina European User Meeting, Crete, Greece (Apr 2009) |
17. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Lange C, Wolf M, Schulz B, Holtgräwe D, Weisshaar B. BeetSeq - A reference genome sequence for sugar beet. 9th GABI status seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2009) |
16. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Lange C, Wolf M, Schmidt T, Dechyeva D, Schulz B, Borchardt D, Koch G, Holtgraewe D, Rosleff Soerensen T, Weisshaar B. Sugar beet genetics and genomics in the German plant genome program GABI. Plant and Animal Genomes XVII Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2009) |
15. |
Dohm JC, Lange C, Wolf M, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. BeetSeq – A reference genome sequence for sugar beet. 7th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Albena, Bulgaria (Sep 2008) |
14. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm JC, Lange C, Lottaz C, Kraft T, Koch G, Schulz B, Weisshaar B. BeetSeq – A reference genome sequence for sugar beet. The Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (May 2008) |
13. |
Lange C, Dohm JC, Holtgräwe D, Schmidt T, Schneider K, Koch G, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer H. GABI Beet Physical Map: A physical map of the sugar beet genome to integrate genetics and genomics. 8th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Mar 2008) |
12. |
Dohm JC, Lottaz C, Lange C, Himmelbauer H. Impact of 2nd generation sequencing technologies on sugar beet genomics and transcriptomics. 6th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Tenerife, Spain (Oct 2007) |
11. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm J, Lottaz C. Assembly and annotation of short read data sets. The Future of Genome Research in the Light of Ultrafast Sequencing Technologies, Bielefeld, Germany (Jul 2007) |
10. |
Deng J, Dohm JC, Thomas S and Vision T. Exploring the spatial pattern of gene loss after whole genome duplication. Annual meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Halifax, Canada (Jun 2007) |
9. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm J, Lottaz C, Lange C, Holtgräwe D, Schmidt T, Schneider K, Koch G, Schulz B, Weisshaar B. The sugar beet genome: From BAC-maps to genome sequence. The Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (May 2007) |
8. |
Himmelbauer H, Dohm J, Lange C, Holtgräwe D, Schulz B, Koch G, Schmidt T, Schneider K, Weisshaar B. Towards a physical, BAC-based map of the sugar beet genome. Plant and Animal Genomes XV Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 2007) |
7. |
Dohm JC, Lange C, Himmelbauer H. Sugar beet genomics: comparative analysis and construction of a physical map. 5th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Venice, Italy (Oct 2006) |
6. |
Lange C, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. Generation of a sugar beet physical map in BACs utilising oligonucleotide probes. 5th Plant Genomics European Meeting, Venice, Italy (Oct 2006) |
5. |
Schneider K, Gohlke H, Illig T, Rosleff Soerensen T, Dohm J, Lange C, Himmelbauer H, Schmidt T, Schulz B, Koch G, Weisshaar B. Towards a physical map of the sugar beet genome – Establishment of a marker framework for cross-linking the genetic map. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung (GPZ), Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany (Mar 2006) |
4. |
Dohm JC, Lange C, Himmelbauer H. Towards a Physical Microsynteny Map of the Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris) Genome. 6th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Feb 2006) |
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Lange C, Dohm JC, Himmelbauer H. A BAC map for the sugar beet genome. 6th GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, Germany (Feb 2006) |
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Dohm JC, Lange C, Himmelbauer H. Bioinformatics in GABI Beet PhysMap: Towards a physical microsynteny map of the sugar beet genome. German Conference on Bioinformatics, Hamburg, Germany (Oct 2005) |
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Dohm J, Lange C, Meinel T, Holtgräwe D, Koch G, Schmidt T, Schneider K, Schulz B, Weisshaar B, Himmelbauer, H. Towards a physical map of the sugarbeet genome in BACs, integrated with the genetic map and enriched for synteny information. Annual Fall Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany (Sep 2005) |